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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

Astrology: advice, and a new astrologist

Becky Reinhold, Editor-in-Chief April 24, 2024

Dearest readers, Let me introduce myself: I am the new Carletonian astrologist. I was selected after a series of interviews, exams and telepathic communications with past — and of course, future —...

Dawson’s Divinations: Week of 5/5

Dawson Eriksen, Columnist May 5, 2023

With winter’s winds washed away, the greatest blossoms of spring can grow. In the roots of the permafrost, the beauty of the sun’s warmth can finally be felt. Spring festivities are upon us, and Spring...

Dawson’s Divinations: Week of 4/21

Dawson Eriksen, Columnist April 21, 2023

As the academic year pushes to its close, astral energies are taking a particular interest in perception and intuition for many signs. The world will be clearer, sharper and more assaulting for some, but...

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