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Carleton College's student newspaper since 1877

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian


The Carletonian is Carleton College‘s editorially independent student newspaper. It has been written, edited and managed entirely by Carleton students since 1877. The Carletonian is distributed Fridays during the academic term in the Sayles-Hill Campus Center and various other campus buildings.


Comments will be held for moderation before appearing. The Carletonian will not publish comments that meet one or more of the following criteria:

1) Does not include the correct, full name of the poster. Depending on the content, the Carletonian may accept comments under “Anonymous”.

2) Uses racist, sexist, homophobic or other blatantly offensive language.

3) Targets and personally attacks a Carletonian reporter, the poster of another comment or member of the Carleton community. While the Carletonian encourages discourse, we ask that users be civil.

4) Is not from a member of the Carleton community, and does not meaningfully add to the discussion. (e.g. spam)

If you have any questions or concerns, please refer to our CONTACT page.