<ong>Funding Requests
The Senate unanimously approved all Budget Committee funding requests. Groups receiving funding were: Happy Bodies ($115), Chinese Club ($200), MSPC ($110), and Women in Math and Science Club ($100).
Appointment Confirmations
Marc Boyce was unanimously confirmed as the Budget Committee Liaison.
Arboretum Plan Update
Nancy Braker presented the Arb staff’s need for a new plan for the Arboretum. With the last plan made in 1995, they are interested in gathering student input, possibly by an open sit down discussion with students. More information will follow in the coming weeks.
Charter Approvals
Students Advocating Informed Decisions and Floodlight Magazine were both unanimously approved by the Senate.
Carls in the Community
Carls in the Community will be Monday, May 3rd. Projects include: Canon River cleanup, Trash pick up in Central Park and Babcock Park, Buckthorn pulling in the Arb, and assisting senior citizens in Northfield. Look for tables in Sayles, or contact Senators Rebecca Gourevitch (gourevir), Chase Kimball (kimballc) or Ted Longabaugh (longabat) for further information.
CEDI Update
The Community, Equity and Diversity Initiative presented their update. They announced a one time grant from Google of $20,000 that will help fund the Inter Group Dialogue program, as well as their efforts for further faculty outreach with Chili Night-like events during faculty lunch hours. As a group that reports to the College Council and the president, CEDI requested another senator liaison be present during the 2010-2011 school year. After much deliberation, the Senate acknowledged the importance of CEDI and its initiatives, but determined that another senator liaison was not necessary.
Heifetz Survey
Senator David Heifetz spoke about a general survey that he is working on in order to increase CSA interaction with the student body. Ideas such as retention rates, website update, sustainability, finals scheduling, meal plan issues and library hours were all brought up as potential areas of interest. The survey would likely be administered electronically and will require a big push on the part of many students.
As this was the midterm meeting for the Senate, all senators discussed what they have been working on this term thus far. Check out the Senator Profiles on the CSA webpage for more information.