<rleton College’s radio station is preparing for studio renovations in the upcoming months and during the summer season.
The renovation vision? Imagine a space to record podcasts, play live music, and train rookie DJs.
“The first priority is knocking down the west wall of studio A,” said KRLX Station Manager Martha Durrett ’18. Once the wall is knocked down this summer, renovations for the new production studio will begin.
Renovation is long overdue, according to KRLX IT engineer Tate Bosler ’19. Just last term, a fried circuit in a console nearly jeopardized KRLX programming for the entire term.
“The equipment is old, finicky and unpredictable,” said Durrett. Both Bosler and Durrett are committed to ensuring the longevity of KRLX past their service on the KRLX board, and the renovation planning is a large part of that commitment.
With renovations on the horizon came the task of preserving the notable graffiti in the KRLX studio; the masterpieces of this decades-old tradition will be documented online. The KRLX board has worked hard to preserve the “charm” that Bosler admires about the KRLX studio.
This term, KRLX broadcasts the shows of more than 250 KRLX members, the largest amount of student participants in recent history. And with this increased participation, KRLX is boosting its interactivity by keeping a live feed of the current show, recent tracks and the next show to be played on the monitors around campus, while “Music Mondays” let LDC patrons listen to a live stream throughout the term.
KRLX’s Record Libe also serves as an open space for various club meetings and special events. “Mansplainless Music Wednesdays,” run by the ladies of the KRLX board, is one group activity happening in the Record Libe, which offers an inclusive space for women and non-binary folk to talk about music and art.
KRLX broadcasts student radio programming online at krlx.org and on local radio at 88.1FM.