<e are positive benefits to be gained from having a good sense of humor and laughing. Research has established that natural antibodies and endorphins increase, cortisol and epinephrine decrease, organs are massaged and work more efficiently, and calories are burned all during the exercise of laughing. Below are some helpful tips on how to work humor and laughter into daily life.
-Enjoy work – make it fun.
-Stop lying to yourself – accept any unhappiness and learn to confront it, not deny or avoid it
-Expand your range of activities – ask friends for ideas!
-Do not let the possibility of judgment from others stop you.
-Find a favorite comedian or sources for jokes.
-Restructure your day to include humor and laughter.
-Take the pledge
Pledge of humor:
I am determined to use my humor for positive, playful, uplifting, and loving purposes only. In the midst of adversity, I will use humor to cope, to survive, and to grow. I will take myself lightly. I will not seek to be offended. I will express my laughter physically and freely. I will remember to smile. I refuse to use my humor to express anger or prejudice. Ethnic humor will be by mutual consent, and I will respect the forbidden subject areas of my listeners. I will laugh generously at others’ attempts at humor. If I offend another by my use of humor, I will make amends. I will be eternally vigilant for the jokes and absurdities of the universe.