After hosting resistance social media influencer Eric Trump on their campus last term, St. Olaf has been inspired to be the first educational institution to rebrand itself as a “conservative arts college.” This is in response to the liberals’ assault on free thought and speech through their hegemony over small arts colleges.
“Being a religious institution, it only makes sense that we stand in support of family values and against personal liberties.” -David P. Anderson
Here are a few courses that will be offered:
RELG 900: Christian Values
ECON 666: Reaganomics
ECON 667: Government Regulation Very Bad
ECON 668: Being Selfish is Okay
SOAN 330: Intermediate Qanon Theory
IDSC 111:
LING 749: How to Use Buzzwords Effectively
HIST 1492: A Critical Look at Criticisms of Columbus
ENTS 834: Preserving the Climate Change Debate
PHIL 810: Nozick and Rawls
POSC 342: Good Excuses to Give “Single Issue Voters”
BIOL 843: The Heart Beats 4 Weeks After Conception
BIOL 483: The Genetics of Intelligence
STAT 347: Advanced Baseball Statistics
CLAS 475: Roman Ethics in the 21st Century
AMST 234: F—— Yeah
EUST 343: The Harms of Globalization
MUSC 999: How to Like Ariel Pink
MUSC 638: It’s Okay if You’re Singing Along
MATH 555: 1776
GUNS 101: Sam Colt and Equality
PSYC 144: The Reptilian Brain and Fear of the Other
CS 376: Lessons from Parler and Gab
ARTS 999: Fun Designs with the Vineyard Vines Whale