Earlier this morning, the FCC issued an official statement in regards to the recent outbreak: “I don’t think satire is the way to go rn.” Many experts have criticized this decision as far too late considering recent news. These experts claim that things have not been good for a long time, and that satire should have been put on hold days or even weeks ago.
Every so often the FCC meets and discusses the overall state of the world. In these meetings they decide just how bad things have gotten and are currently. “There are varying levels of bad,” said one FCC leader. “At some stages we decide to ban observational humor, at others we decide to ban cinematic parody. It really depends.”
Some insider sources say that they were even considering urging against puns and memes. One thing that was a little different this time was the closing of the flavor loophole. This loophole has usually allowed satire to be written at any time, pending whether or not it is tastefully done.
Some policy analysts worry that this may have an overall negative effect. An expert at the RAND corporation said: “The loophole incentives tasteful satire in all times, without it I am nearly certain that satire writers will become bored and an underground network of satire publication and distribution will establish itself without any standards for tastefulness.”
Many things go into the overall state of the world—unemployment, the economy, the quality of the most recent Man Dance, and overall health of the global population.
One thing we can all agree on is that humor in dark times is useless and doesn’t help anyone, especially me, whom everyone agrees with and voices their support for.