Thursday, Feb 27
Security transported an injured student to Urgent Care.
Security responded to a medical incident. An ill student was transported to the hospital by ambulance.
Saturday, Feb 29
A student reported they had seen a black car driving about campus yelling out their window at people. Security was not able to locate this vehicle.
Security was called to check on an ill student. The student did not need any further assistance from Security.
Sunday, Mar 1
Early Morning:
Security responded to a fire alarm. Burnt popcorn had set off the fire alarm. No fire. Security was able to silence and reset the system with no further issues.
Security provided taxi vouchers for an ill student to get transported to urgent care.
Tuesday, Mar 3
Late Morning:
Burnt bacon set off the fire alarm in an off-campus house. Security was able to silence and reset the system.
Thursday, Mar 5
Early Morning:
Security responded to the report of an ill student. No further assistance was needed from Security.