So, this Winter has been pretty rough for me. I built my lodge in Turtle Pond, again. I stashed hundreds of sticks bellow the surface, so that when the water iced over in the winter, I could slide through my lodge into the water below. It was supposed to be like a giant walk in refrigerator!
But calamity struck, and the entire pond froze solid, again. I couldn’t get to any of my snacks. This keeps happening, but I’m sure next year it will work perfectly. But anyway, I had to move, so I traveled through Lyman Lakes into Spring Creek. I tried building a dam so that the creek would form a pond that I could use, but someone kept destroying it. I heard him mumbling something about “maintaining the ecosystem” and “protecting the biome,” but I think he is really just out to get me. For a while it was okay, I didn’t have a nice home or neighborhood, but I was making do. I built a small den in the muddy bank of the creek, and there are enough trees nearby that I could cut them down and eat them in the relative warmth of the creek. It didn’t last, though. That mean guy has been coming back, and this time he brought minions. They have chicken-wire that they wrap around all the tastiest trees. They said something about “saving rare species,” but they are definitely sadistic, because they leave the gross ones like walnut and buckthorn, but block all of the maples, which are my favorite. They even covered most of the Elms and Hackberries. I would leave and head into the Cannon River, but now that Lyman Lakes have frozen over, I would freeze trying to make it downstream. Like I said, it has been a rough winter.