<reer Center is bringing amazing alumni from a variety of fields right here to campus to talk to you. Just you! Sign up for a half-hour slot, and you have a chance to get any and all of your questions about a given field, job, or just post-Carleton life you might have. There are still a variety of incredible opportunities available this term. Meet alums from the categories: “Off the Beaten Path”, Media/Communications, Philanthropy and Helping Professions.
So, you’ve found an alum who has experience in something you’re interested in, or who you think would be a great resource. Are you worried about what questions to ask? Don’t be! These visits aren’t meant to be a professional interview. They’re casual opportunities for you to get more information in a friendly environment.
This process follows the guidelines for something called Informational Interviewing. Outside the bubble, an informational interview allows you to ask questions of a professional about their job. You can learn about quality of work, employment outlook, or even salary. You can even ask about interviews! It really doesn’t matter what questions you ask. You don’t have to be an expert. Ask what you want to know, and remember, that these alumni are here to help you. They were in this position once, and they want to give you a leg up.
Here are some ideas for questions you can ask. For more ideas, visit the Career Center website (go.carleton.edu/career) and check the section on Information Interviewing:
•What do you wish you had known about this field when you were my age?
•How do you spend your average day?
•Do you like what you do? What are your greatest frustrations at work?
•Do you work autonomously, or in a team?
•How can I best prepare for this field-through coursework, extracurricular activities, or professional associations?
•What books or professional journals might be useful to read?
•What people or organizations would it be helpful for me to contact for information?
Appointments can be made from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 pm on the day the Alumni is scheduled, Contact Jessica Mueller ([email protected]) for an appointment or for more information.