<reer Center is starting their search for brand new Career Advisors for the upcoming academic year! Being a Career Advisor means having a meaningful campus job that will give you a leg up in your own professional endeavors. It’s an opportunity you don’t want to pass up without giving it some thought.
Being a Career Advisor means working directly with other Carleton Students. You’ll receive training and support from the Career Center staff and other CAs so that you’ll be the expert. When students come to you for help with resumes and cover letters or when they need help starting their job search, you’ll be able to help them address their needs directly. Being a Career Advisor means bringing new opportunities and experiences to your fellow students, while increasing your own knowledge and skills.
Career Advisors work as a team, with each other and with the Career Center staff. You’ll have a variety of opportunities to match your skills, working with students, alumni, faculty and staff, or on special projects. Try your hand at marketing, facilitating programs, learning Career Center initiatives, and planning events! Being a Career Advisor is a challenging and multifaceted role that helps you help others.
There will be an info session Tuesday, February 23 at 6:15 in the Career Center. Application information can be found on the Tunnel, which hosts jobs and opportunities from all over the country. Specific questions can be e-mailed to Deb Olien (mailto:[email protected] [email protected] ). Career Advisors work 8-10 hours per week. More details can be found on the Career Center website under the “About the Center” tab. Applications are due March 5th. Interviews will happen at the beginning of Spring Term, and final decisions will be made April 16th. Don’t miss your chance for a great opportunity as a Carleton Student Leader!