<ently, the SWAs conducted on online survey to find out the sexual attitudes and behaviors of Carleton survey. This survey is accurate as the people who completed the survey and varied based upon how people interpreted the questions. The goal of the SWAs and the Wellness Center is to create dialogue about the survey which allows students to talk about a topic which is both sensitive and important.
Here are some of the results of those who completed the survey:
Over 50% identified as female
28.9% were first year students, 26.6 % were sophomores, 23.9% juniors and 20.5% seniors
42.5 % indicated they thought 41-60% of their peers were sexually active
Approximately 62% have engaged in vaginal sex, 11% have engaged in anal sex, 71% have engaged in oral sex.
Approximately 60% have engaged in sexual activity while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
We will be using these results for future discussions, publications and presentations. Thank you to those 589 who completed the survey.
The word sex brings on thoughts of discomfort, excitement, neutrality, disgust, pleasure, curiosity, etc. It is well know that college students and many others enjoy talking about sex and about engaging in various forms of sexual activity.
Recently when a group of Carleton College students were talking about sex, it became evident that not everyone has the same definition of sex. Kissing, intercourse, oral sex, masturbation, etc. are all forms of sexual activity, but at what point is it “sex”.
The definition of according to Webster’s Dictionary is, “anything connected with sexual gratification or reproduction or the urge for these” or, according to American Heritage Dictionary, “sexual urge or instinct as it manifests itself in behavior “ or “hooking up”. Clearly sex is defined by the choice of each individual.
It is important to determine what types of sexual activity you are ready for and set limits before engaging sexual activity.
For more statistics contact your SWA. Visit mystudentbody.com for sexual health information, which can assist in making healthy choices.