<m winds down, take the coming weeks for what they are: the conclusion to a hard, stressful and busy term. More importantly though, acknowledge that right around the corner, well two months from now, lies the start of a new term, and with that start comes an empty slate and new opportunities. For all you freshman who experimented with something new at college, or you jaded seniors, look to the ACT center and service to fill that empty void in your life. The opportunities vary as widely as the different commitments, but the need and value is always the same. Volunteer as a tutor and mentor at the Middle School Youth Center, help local families “shop” for groceries at the Food Shelf, or volunteer and learn at the Northfield Hospital. So if the motivation is to build your résumé, boredom, or a passion for positive change, start your new term, and the year 2008, by giving something of yourself to another, the environment, or to social justice. You can only do good- and you’ll probably have fun as well.
Caught in the ACT
November 2, 2007
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