Thursday, October 10
Evening: Security responded to a fire alarm at an off campus house. No reason for this alarm could be found.
Saturday, October 12
Early Morning: Security was called to check on an intoxicated student. This student was left in the care of some friends.
Sunday, October 13
Early Morning: Security was called to check on another intoxicated student. This student was also being cared for by a friend for the evening.
Early Morning: Security was called to check on the report of a student wandering the halls of a dorm and entering rooms. This student had apparently wandered out of their clothing as well, as clothing in the hallway was the only thing Security found.
Afternoon: Taxi vouchers were given to a student that needed transportation to a medical facility.
Evening: Burnt food activated the fire alarm in a campus house. Security responded and was able to silence and reset the alarm.
Tuesday. October 15
Afternoon: Security was called to dispose of some drug paraphernalia.
Wednesday, October 16
Morning: Security responded to Laird for a fire alarm. A faulty smoke detector had set off the building fire alarm. No fire.