Despite paying a lot of money for food, and being able to eat or destroy as much of it as you want while in the dining hall, the rule is you won’t take it out. Please note that some methods have been purposefully not included. Here are some tips for getting as much food as you deserve:
Use tupperware. Tupperware is a great way to get food in and out while keeping it sealed and keeping your backpack clean. It’s pretty cheap and there’s most likely some extra at your house, easily worth $5.
Don’t stop at food. Plates, bowls, silverware, and cups are all expensive. No one will stop you from taking a clean plate or spoon back to your table. Also, trays are an important winter asset.
Put FroYo in a cup. If you had an after-lunch class with me ever, chances are you saw me with a compostable coffee cup. 10 times out of 10 that cup is filled with FroYo.
You’re allowed to do it. That is as long as you only take a drink and some dessert or fruit.
Why limit yourself to the dining hall? Sayles is often too busy and most condiments like peanut butter and mustard are free for the taking.
Eat outside. This one is pretty obvious.
Avoid the fish. This applies to choosing foods to take and to eat in the dining halls.
Pasta without sauce. Great choice.
Sometimes they have those pre-wrapped sandwiches which I think you’re supposed to take.
I realize that some people may still have some moral concerns, but think about it like this: There is no way that Bon App would spend more than it receives from the school at the start of the year. That includes spending on wages, maintenance, and frozen food. The only one of these that could really be affected by stealing food is the amount of food itself, but they always have leftovers anyways. Food waste is bad, stop it with covert carry-out!