< really kicks into gear here in Northfield, we are reminded again of the importance of staying warm. The dry air sucks up all the moisture and the cold sucks up all our will to go outside. Dorm rooms can seem endlessly chilly and the commute from Olin to the Weitz has never seemed more daunting. However, never fear. As a native Wisconsin girl whose favorite season is winter, I am here to give you my best tips for beating the chill and becoming the hottest you have ever been.
1. Wear sweaters. Now, what I’m afraid of is that you read this sentence and thought “okay, I’ll wear a sweater, what stupid advice.” However, I mean it when I say sweaters. Why limit yourself to one sweater? Wear two sweaters, three sweaters. Only stop putting on the sweaters when you can no longer physically put your arms over your head. That’s why they’re called sweaters – they’re supposed to be making you sweat!
2. Become a hermit. Guess where the cold is – it’s outside. How do you beat the cold? Never leave your room. Write an email to your professors detailing this lifestyle change and ask to Skype in to your classes. Tell them that you are descended from bears and that hibernating is a biological imperative. Who’s going to say no to that?
3. Say something embarrassing in front of your crush. The rush of blood to your face when you realize how awkward you’ve just been will heat up you whole body. And, as a bonus, whenever you need some warmth, just remember that moment and you’ll be good to go.
4. Make a bonfire. And to make this a deluxe study tip as well, you can use that pesky organic chemistry textbook, or that Jane Austen novel as kindling. Now you are both warm and done with your homework!