<r ago, we did not think that editing The Carletonian was very difficult. We recognized that neither of us was at all qualified for the responsibility, but we dismissed that worry and assumed we were headed for a year of too much Domino’s pizza and a couple late nights. Oh boy, were we wrong.
Our reign began when we were charged with the task of cleaning out our entire office so it could be remodeled. We found ourselves picking paint colors and carpet samples. It felt like we were preparing a nursery for our unborn baby. In a way, we suppose we were.
The summer rolled to a close, and Princess Devin peaced for Italy. This left the least enthusiastic person on campus, nay, in Northfield, in charge of our beloved child. Master Kinsey did a remarkable job of single-handedly making a paper for eight weeks in a row. Literally, he was basically the only person making the paper aside from trusty Viewpoint and Sports Editors Lily VanderStaay and Matt Hart and the ever-stable Kate Trenerry and Sally Morgridge.
Somehow, Master Kinsey survived. Weak, and struggling for breath, he staggered into the office in January to be greeted by a shrill voice with no ability to focus. Princess Devin had returned. Together, they formed a team that would prove to be deceivingly ineffective, yet remarkably efficient.
With our reunion, the ranks of juniors abroad in the fall began filing in. Michael Alexander understood neither Macs nor Collab, but still managed to inspire us all. Emily Hartley revolutionized Viewpoint. It is still unclear what Kelsey Ross’ job is. Nick Bellos and Libby Isenstein redesigned the paper not once, but twice. We were backed by a legion of trusty writers, led by the mystical Jonathan Lin and a staff of sassy photographers. Master Kinsey no longer stood alone.
After surviving the computer crisis of February 2011, the staff was unstoppable. We got new computers, began to eat Domino’s twice a week instead of once and kept hounding our staff to improve layout. In the spring, we gathered more troops. The inexhaustible Jon Isaac and the calming presence of Noelani Kirschner joined our ranks. Master and Princess began to spend more time on the couch, yelling profanities at random. Things were finally starting to look the way they should.
The end of this year has been filled with much potential. The new era has begun, and we have no doubt that Princess Bellos and his J.Crew wardrobe alongside Master Isenstein’s perfect harmonizing will continue to raise the bar next year. Thank you for allowing us to be the editors of what feels to us like a hot mess of a publication each week. We’ve enjoyed the ride.