The Carleton Philosophy Department has announced next term’s senior comps presentations, and let me tell you—it’s exciting. Here’s a full listing of the paper titles, just to get some hype going:
“Baby See, Baby Do: Nonstandard Communication and Horizontal Infantian Cybertechnics in Carceral Redditian Spaces”
“Monkey See, Monkey Do: Queering Simian Performative Assemblage in Carceral Bananaine Spaces”
“The Great Work Begins: Transness, Aesthetics, and Discourse-Breaking in Life-Living and Breath-Breathing”
“Atemporalizing Queerly Phenomenological Popper Consumption in Dixon House and Other Carcerally Panopticonian Spaces”
“If There’s a Will, There’s a—Hey! Dude, Where’s My Car?: (Auto)motive (Auto)nomy and the (Auto)cratic Differántial Embodiedness in Driving Saabs”
“They Say These Bic Razors Are Single-Use, But Last Time I Checked, They’re Not My Ex-Wife!: Saussurean Bioethics and Semiotic Thrownness in Divorce Proceedings”