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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

Student contests medical transport decision

Sarah Min March 4, 2016

On January 31st, a student ’19 who wishes to remain anonymous was transported to the emergency room without his consent. He argues that “I didn’t think I needed medical attention. Looking back......

Campus conversations “predictable”

Sarah Min February 12, 2016

Although the community conversations have just begun, some students are expressing that they are in need of improvement. These community conversations have been organized by Dean Carolyn Livingston to...

Scoville remodel displaces students

Sarah Min February 5, 2016

This spring, Clader House residents are being relocated to a staff apartment in Myers as a result of the upcoming renovations in Scoville. This move has taken the students by surprise, especially because...

Despite criticism, Cumberbatch Hamlet screening a success

Sarah Min November 13, 2015

Pierre Hecker, an associate professor in the English department with primary focus area in Renaissance theatre, organized a screening of Hamlet this past weekend. The college collaborated with National...

Gap year students inspired by experiences

Sarah Min October 9, 2015

While many high school seniors are eager to start their new lives as college students upon graduating high school, there is a small but growing portion of the student population that chooses to take...

Thirst for new externships quenched

Sarah Min October 2, 2015

As a result of the Parent Advisory Council’s efforts, the number of externship positions has increased from approximately 90 in December 2013 to 150 this year. The Parent Advisory Council is a volunteer...

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