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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

Formal apology for the last crossword

Rahim Hamid April 20, 2023

Dear readers of the Carletonian, I would like to take this opportunity to formally apologize on behalf of the entire Carletonian editorial team for the mistakes made in the Carletonian’s last crossword...

In defense of modern art

In defense of modern art

Rahim Hamid April 20, 2023

I don’t like the term “Modern Art”. It really doesn’t mean anything. Does it mean work from the Impressionists in the late 1800s, the first major departure from the academic style of painting...

Carleton accepts all applicants in stunning win for DEI

Rahim Hamid April 13, 2023

With the application cycle coming to a close, Carleton College has made headlines across the United States for its newly unveiled admissions policy. In a stunning win for advocates of admissions equity...

My grandfather’s final rest

Rahim Hamid April 13, 2023

My grandfather passed away almost exactly two years ago. He was the man who raised me, made me who I am and supported me when I really had nobody else. He had been all around the world before settling...

American psycho and the death of satire

Rahim Hamid April 6, 2023

“American Psycho” as a film and book have come into a sort of cultural vogue lately, with images of the titular “psycho” Patrick Bateman cropping up in countless memes, edits and even the Student...

Sick days, internationality and worthlessness

Rahim Hamid March 2, 2023

I was sick last week. It is only today when I am writing this that I feel even close to all right. It happened oh so suddenly. One day, I was feeling alright, then the next day, I woke up feeling a little...

Questions, qualifications and quagmires: My run for CSA

Rahim Hamid February 16, 2023

I got here six months ago. Aside from the mandatory hassling from the TSA at the airport and some shenanigans in actually getting to campus, I had finally made it to America. Now what? I was hopeful,...

Call to action: These dull, dead walls

Rahim Hamid February 9, 2023

Why are the walls here so empty? As I walk into the Libe, there it is. A yawning expanse of nothing but wall. Unadorned, unfulfilled and worst of all, boring. But this is not a problem of one or two buildings...

Grieving for Pigeons: Lahore, loss and memories

Grieving for Pigeons: Lahore, loss and memories

Rahim Hamid January 26, 2023

“What is lost, however, changes: it could be a home, a neighborhood, or a person. Memory joins these losses in a latticework, in which the disparate points can be elusive and sometimes unexpected.”  I’ve...

Travel delays hinder students’ and faculty’s return to campus

Travel delays hinder students’ and faculty’s return to campus

Rahim Hamid January 13, 2023

As temperatures drop below freezing in Minnesota, travel conditions have considerably worsened across the state. The change in weather has brought with it alternating bouts of heavy snow, hail, sleet...

Protesters oppose drag show at the First United Church of Christ

Protesters oppose drag show at the First United Church of Christ

Rahim Hamid October 13, 2022

On Saturday, October 8, members of the Old Paths Baptist Church and the organization “Humans Against Groomers” gathered outside of The First United Church of Christ (UCC) near the Weitz Center to...

The end of the world (as I knew It)

Rahim Hamid October 6, 2022

The TSA Agent asked me all sorts of questions. Where I was going. What I was doing. Who I was. Where my dorm was. When I told him that I was the only person from my country coming to Carleton this year,...

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