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Carleton College's student newspaper since 1877

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The case against the death penalty — from a former supporter

Holly Lake April 15, 2022

Perhaps due to my own naiveté and lack of awareness on the matter, I was wholeheartedly in support of the death penalty before the age of 17. This is not to say that I thought that everyone who commits...

SHAC Experiences

Holly Lake March 11, 2022

Getting sick is never a pleasant experience, and being away from home and your primary care provider while at school only adds to the stress. Even before wearing masks became common practice, I generally...

Carleton Today

Holly Lake March 4, 2022

Starting at the end of January, the college began producing and distributing a new weekly e-newsletter entitled Carleton Today. The newsletter aims to provide transparency between President Allison Byerly,...

How to Get your Secret Sayles Admirer to Fall in Love With You this Valentine’s Day

Holly Lake February 11, 2022

Ask them on a date to the Super LoungeInvite them to a steamy 1st-Libe makeout session Tell them you’re planning on being an economics/political science double major Play Rage Cage with them...

Test-Optional Admissions

Holly Lake February 5, 2022

The August before my junior year of high school, I spent every Friday afternoon at the Tutor Shack preparing for the SAT and ACT. During the week, but more often than not the Thursday before my next tutoring...

A limbo of guilt: close contacts reflect

A limbo of guilt: close contacts reflect

Holly Lake January 21, 2022

I had barely been on campus for 48 hours when I was sent one of the most dread-inducing emails a Carleton community member can receive: “Dear Carleton community member, you are receiving this email...

The Theranos scandal

Holly Lake October 13, 2021

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, I had no real interest in podcasts. I would listen to the occasional episode of whatever show my dad was following on a long car ride, but I had never gone out of my way...

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