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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

“Campus Update on Sexual Misconduct” email sparks campus discussion

Emma Nicosia May 27, 2016

At 12:30pm on Tuesday May 24 over 500 Carleton students received an email with the subject “Campus Update on Sexual Misconduct” from [email protected]. The email contained the names of...

A Really Cynical Essay about Valentine’s Day that Emma Nicosia wrote in high school

Emma Nicosia February 12, 2016

By EMMA NICOSIA: Editor in Chief/ Recovering Cynic* Every year Valentine’s Day rolls around and is the perfect excuse for couples to show off their relationships and feel good about themselves. And...

This week’s Editorial

Emma Nicosia May 22, 2015

“Let’s just take a few shots and go out,” is commonly said on weekend nights. Drinking hard alcohol is the cheapest and quickest way to get drunk. It generally doesn’t taste good, and it isn’t...

Students draw into cyber- space

Emma Nicosia May 16, 2015

This time last year Carls were anxiously preparing to gather with their class year in the Great Hall to select the following year’s housing. Sweat dripped off of nervous brows, tensions rose, friendships...

This week’s Editorial

Emma Nicosia May 9, 2015

Do you know any Republican or right-leaning students personally? Some of you may, but many of you probably do not. Before I started working on an article for my journalism class about the Republican presence...

Graffiti vandals deface campus

Emma Nicosia May 8, 2015

Last Sunday, Security cited several incidents of vandalism on campus. Spray-painted symbols and words were found at various locations, and the windows of a Security vehicle and the Weitz Center were coated...

This week’s Editorial

Emma Nicosia May 1, 2015

A friend of mine says that he likes girls better when they don’t wear makeup, and that girls look prettier without makeup. On one hand, this perspective is refreshing; he doesn’t seem to hold the...

On crop planning & cactus growing

Emma Nicosia April 24, 2015

Nearly a decade ago, Brent Murcia ’16 tried to grow a cactus—one of the most low-maintenance plants out there—and failed miserably. “It was the only thing I’ve ever grown. I killed it. I under-watered...

This week’s Editorial

Emma Nicosia April 17, 2015

Yesterday I watched five bison go from living animals to flanks of meat ready to be cut and packaged for consumption. Early in the morning my ENTS class “Global Food Systems” piled into Northfield...

Four years in: Do QRE’s work?

Emma Nicosia April 10, 2015

“There is nothing magic about the number three,” explained Dean Associate Dean of the College George Shuffleton. He was referencing the three quantitative reasoning encounter (QRE) classes required...

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