<o Carleton! I am currently studying abroad with Carleton’s history program in Rome, Italy. This is my first term of college outside of Northfield, MN. Leaving the cows and colleges of our charming little town, a place filled with high class cuisine such as Hogan Brothers and filled with more history than anywhere else I can think of, I moved to this busy metropolis, a place filled with mediocre wine and 5/10 men. Missing the campus these last two weeks, I often reflected on my favorite parts of NoFo and how much I miss the small, Minnesota town. As an ode to Northfield, I compiled a list of the top things I miss the most.
1. I miss the fact that only half of my friends are of legal drinking age. Here, we all go out together (in the morning, in the afternoon, and/or in the evening) and the extra effort to split the bill among all those people adds five extra minutes to each bill payment.
2. I miss the coffee being overpriced in the Sayles cafe. Here, I only need to pay 1.50 euros for a homemade croissant and a cappuccino, and the guilt from this steal is too much to handle.
3. I miss the walk from my Nourse triple to class in Leighton. Here, a walk of the same length brings me to a castle, which creates a large shadow, lowering the temperature from 75 F to 72 F (brrr….) as I walk along the cold, antique marble.
4. I miss the $15 wheel of brie cheese I can buy at Econo. Here, I only need to pay 2 euros for the same amount of brie, and honestly, I think I have hit my cheese limit because it is just too accessible.
5. I miss Tuesday morning classes in Willis. What are ancient Roman ruins and monasteries in the countryside for a “class” period compared to daily PowerPoint presentations and that cute boy in political science?
In all seriousness, I really do miss all of the wonderful people on Carleton’s campus and the small town atmosphere of Northfield. Have a wonderful spring term everyone. Arrivaderci Carleton!