<r President Poskanzer,
I am writing on behalf of Food Truth and the hundreds of our supporters to voice our disappointment in your disregard for a better food system. Last spring, we came to you with a proposal for more local, healthy and sustainable food at Carleton College. You told us to come back in the fall and advance a Real Food Commitment. When we returned with exactly what you asked for this fall, you dismissed the plan as unrealistic. Throughout the year we have responded to your requests for data, and gained support from Bon Appetit and large parts of the Carleton community, demonstrating that our goals are not idealistic.
This spring, we responded to your desire to understand the local, fair food system we want you to support, and we organized a Real Food Forum. With the support of Bon Appetit we served delicious real food and gave voice to members from all parts of the local food system. Over 150 poeople came, and you have the letters over 80 of them wrote to urge you to support a Real Food Commitment. It is too bad you were not there, even though we chose the date specifically for you. After organizing this event to specifically include you in our food system dialogue, we were saddened that you chose to meet with a donor instead of listen to your students.
Sir, we have done everything that can be expected of busy Carleton students to meet your demands. Our request remains the same. Join us at the table, and make Carleton a leading signatory of the Real Food Campus Commitment.
Taylor Owen ‘13