<ong>Matt Hart, Sports Editor
Broomball. ‘Nuff said.
Ben Blink, Managing Editor
The combination of the Cowling Pool and the Wellness Center light box. Minnesota winters can be tough, but with the simple combination of choking, stale humidity and 10,000 lux I can enjoy the comforts of Miami Beach right here in the Midwest. If I slip down to Econofoods for a $1.29 powdered pina colada mix, I hate myself less for not choosing Pomona.
Libby Isenstein, Viewpoint Editor
My favorite part of winter is falling on my butt everyday outside of Sayles. But I also really love wearing assorted winter accessories, and frost on the tree branches!
Devin Daugherty, Managing Editor
I really enjoy the people who yell at me when I eat snow. I only eat the clean patches, and it’s really not that different from eating grass, which is my snack-off-the-ground of choice during the more fertile seasons. Eating snow is just a more sustainable way to stay hydrated, and as a community, we should be more supportive of snow munchers.
Julia Bradley, Chief Copy-Editor
My favorite things about winter at Carleton are watching the bunnies and squirrels playing in the snow from a library window, Midwinter Ball, and those three people on campus who wear shorts regardless of whether it is 20 or minus 10 degrees outside.
Emily Howell, Editor-in-Chief
This winter, I have discovered my love for broomball. I’ve also discovered that I’m not that good at broomball but luckily it’s one of the few sports, like shuffleboard, that does not require you to be proficient.
– The editorial represents the views of The Carletonian editors.