<me is Fahim Qubain. I am the President of the Hope Fund. I am also a Quaker, deeply dedicated to non-violence and deeply dedicated to a just and peaceful solution of the Israeli Palestinian conflict-- an Israeli state, a viable Palestinian state with 1967 borders, and a shared Jerusalem, living together as good neighbors with each other.
I was very deeply moved by the February 6 article in the Carletonian Newspaper in which the Hope Fund is mentioned, and a group of Carleton students advocating that Carleton give a scholarship to a Palestinian student. The Hope Fund has now 12 Palestinian camp refugee students at 11 partnering colleges on full four year scholarships. Some of these colleges have 2 or 3 students each.
I now pledge that if Carleton were to provide a full four-year scholarship to a Hope Fund sponsored student, the Hope Fund will contribute $3000 a year to such a scholarship. We will also cooperate with Carleton in every way possible, to make this a success story of which both Carleton and the Hope Fund will be proud.
Thank you again for a truly great article, and the fantastic initiative taken by the Carleton students. The new “Let’s Talk” group sounds like an excellent initiative to build dialogue and understanding. This is just what would be expected from the student body of a great liberal arts college like Carleton. Wishing you all the best.
-Fahim Qubain is Director of The Hope Fund