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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

From the archives: Young people must take the time to vote

Lea Winston October 6, 2022

Note from the Editors: This article was originally published on October 5, 2018. The Carletonian is 133 years old, with over 3,400 issues published since its inception. To reflect and learn from the newspaper’s...

CSA passes $30,000 Cultural Organization Fund originally proposed in Fall 2020

Lea Winston February 27, 2021

This past summer, in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, a Carleton alumnus anonymously posted on the @dearpwi (Dear Predominantly White Institutions) Instagram page about how the Carleton Student Association...

Digital news trades quality of information for quantity

Lea Winston May 10, 2019

Stories about plane crashes, hot celebrity couples and the world’s largest cow are just some of the many disparate news highlights accessible through social media. From Snapchat to Twitter to the...

MDT and Oratory Bach Ensemble collaborate on St. John Passion

MDT and Oratory Bach Ensemble collaborate on St. John Passion

Lea Winston April 13, 2019

Onturday, April 6, the Oratory Bach Ensemble, conducted by Carleton Choir Director Matthew Olson, collaborated with the Minnesota Dance Theater (MDT) on a performance of St. John Passion, combining music,...

Experimental Dance Board stuns with winter showcase

Lea Winston February 22, 2019

Experimental Dance Board (EDB), an entirely student-run dance group on campus, performed their Winter 2019 show in the Weitz’s large dance studio this past weekend. “The primary purpose of Experimental...

Reflecting on outer appearance, growing up in the digital era

Lea Winston February 15, 2019

The popular phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover” is often casually used as a reminder to focus on “inner beauty” rather than outward appearance; however, internalizing its message proves...

Sweet Honey in the Rock shares its commitment to inclusivity and social justice with Carleton

Lea Winston February 1, 2019

This past Friday the internationally renowned, Grammy Award-nominated a cappella group Sweet Honey in the Rock performed in Skinner Memorial Chapel to a packed house of Carleton students, faculty and...

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