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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

An open letter to President Byerly: Save Africana Studies at Carleton

Jacob Isaacs April 15, 2022

Author’s note: Around a month ago, I sent President Byerly this email, to which she has since replied. My concern is a perennial one: since well before my time at Carleton and through the past two years...

Lessons learned from David Fincher, my phone, and the Zucc

Jacob Isaacs May 29, 2020

I find it hard to believe The Social Network came out a decade ago. I watched it for the first time, believe it or not, this past weekend, now that it’s been available on Netflix for a while and...

Internal moderation in movement politics fails to achieve goals

Jacob Isaacs May 9, 2020

For almost four years now, I have been a member of Northfield’s chapter of ISAIAH, a progressive faith-based community organizing group that seeks to build power across Minnesota. Many in the community...

Coping with stagnation in the time of coronavirus

Jacob Isaacs April 25, 2020

Our popular culture’s most famous image of writer’s block comes to us from Stephen King by way of Stanley Kubrick: Jack Nicholson-as-Jack Torrance’s tense, disheveled frame hunched over the void...

Coronavirus coverage ignores US’ structural flaws

Jacob Isaacs April 17, 2020

This is not yet another coronavirus thinkpiece. I promise. Well, it is, and it isn’t. The Carletonian’s Editor-in-Chief, Katy Gilbertson ’20, reached out to me about writing a political article...

Making the most of education beyond Carleton

Jacob Isaacs April 3, 2020

In that fateful email to Carleton students, faculty, staff, and parents last month, President Poskanzer suggested that Carleton is “not just a physical place centered on the Bald Spot; it is also a...

Reflections from summer research at a funeral home

Jacob Isaacs February 28, 2020

The following text derives from a lecture I gave at the end of last summer. After working at a Jewish funeral home, designing a map of Jewish places in San Francisco, I spoke before a group of interns...

The enemy is hero worship, not “cancel culture”

Jacob Isaacs February 7, 2020

Recent discussions about Kobe Bryant’s death have brought back to the forefront of my mind an issue I’ve spent a lot of time questioning—but not in the way most news media have spun it. I don’t...

Carleton must expand diversity requirements

Jacob Isaacs November 15, 2019

Carleton, like any self-respecting Liberal Arts college, pays lip service to diversity. That is true inside the classroom as well as outside it. I remember that when I was applying to colleges, Carleton,...

Publication gatekeeping

Jacob Isaacs October 31, 2019

Freedom of ideas doesn’t mean what it should mean. At Carleton and other peer institutions, most of them liberal, liberal arts colleges (and I mean “liberal” in the literal sense, valuing liberty),...

Social media offers new methods to enact same political tactics

Jacob Isaacs October 18, 2019

People have been complaining about the pace of life for all of recorded history, so the old idea that social media has condensed and intensified our lives never made perfect sense to me. We have more...

Student trainings fail to address college’s structural failures

Jacob Isaacs September 29, 2019

CW: mentions of suicide and sexual assault This summer I, like many of you, received an email from the college asking me to complete a new online mental health training course before returning to campus....

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