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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

KRLX Renovations

Hannah Klein February 4, 2022

While most of the Carleton community returned home after Fall Term, the KRLX studio was gearing up for a makeover, a project that has been in the works for over four years.  Since the 1970s, a...

Carls in confinement: the isolation process

Hannah Klein January 21, 2022

For most people, getting a positive test result comes as a complete surprise. Yet with rising cases on campus, positive test results have become a reality for over 150 Carleton community...

The ‘Carleton Cold’ strikes: students suffer during midterms

Hannah Klein October 18, 2021

Though positive cases of COVID-19 have been limited within the Carleton community, a surge in cases of the “Carleton Cold” is being reported among the student body. Students have been suffering from...

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