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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

Carleton: a user’s guide

Dylan Wells May 27, 2016

Alright, I’m almost out of here.  I can’t believe it.  I know I sound like an advert but it feels like there was so little time between where I am now and that freshman orientation, that...

Two things I learned from a Facebook war

Dylan Wells May 6, 2016

I heard a saying once that writing primarily is for the benefit of the writer, and this article is a case study in that principle.  This is my own opinion. I do not lay claim to universal truth, only...

Four things I hate about class at Carleton and a few ways to make it better

Dylan Wells January 22, 2016

Nobody wants to talk about it. Let me start with an anecdote. At my high school, my friends and I didn’t have trouble talking about class. It was something that was unavoidable. When I criticized...

A cry for empathy

Dylan Wells May 22, 2015

The Black Lives matter rally was powerful. There’s no way to deny that. I haven’t witnessed another rally as large or as passionate during my time at Carleton, and there are few issues that are...

Picturing Diversity

Dylan Wells March 7, 2015

I’ve found there to be something deeply perturbing with the Carleton idea of diversity since I first set foot on campus. I attribute this initially to the lack of people of color. I grew up in a racially...

J Street U Speaker Sparks Conversation, Controversy by Criticizing Israeli Government and Policy

Dylan Wells October 19, 2012

Int proved to be a heated event, the Carleton branch of J Street U, an Israeli peace organization, brought a former Israeli serviceman to speak at the Weitz Center for Creativity on Tuesday, October 9th.  J...

Printers:“It Just Doesn’t Make Sense”

Dylan Wells October 6, 2012

Dite complaints from students and problems with the new software, the Carleton administration has pushed ahead with what is proving to be the most controversial policy change of the year: the implementation...

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