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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

From auctions to a capella: A history of Date Knight

From auctions to a capella: A history of Date Knight

Dane Swanser November 10, 2022

Date Knight, as it exists today, has become a Carleton tradition over decades, serving as a night for Carleton students to take themselves just a bit too seriously, dressing up and dressing out to impress...

Culvers all y’all got?

Dane Swanser September 29, 2022

Don’t get me wrong, Culver’s is great. I’m down for a ButterBurger or cheese curds any day, but it’s the lack of alternatives that I take issue with. In the realm of fast food cuisine, the Midwest...

Back to the room drawing board: Rethinking how Carleton does housing assignments

Back to the room drawing board: Rethinking how Carleton does housing assignments

Dane Swanser May 5, 2022

Picture it— it’s Ninth Friday and you’re sitting in Sayles after an afternoon of classes. You sit down with your student publication of choice and look across Lower Sayles to see friends, acquaintances...

Carleton plans to hire two new African American History Profs, one with tenure

Dane Swanser March 4, 2022

Carleton College’s history department intends to hire two new professors to specialize in African American history. Noel Voltz, who already teaches African American History at Carleton as a Laird Bell...

Photo by Lev Shuster

“Everybody”: Carleton Theatre returns with a metaphysical fever dream of self reflection

Dane Swanser October 29, 2021

Photos by Lev Shuster​​ If one were planning to reckon with their own mortality and existentialism, I can truly think of no better place than the comfort of a plush seat in the Weitz Theatre while...

Behind the rise in on-campus COVID-19 cases

Behind the rise in on-campus COVID-19 cases

Dane Swanser April 18, 2021

At the end of the first week back on campus following spring break, Carleton began to see a steady rise in cases of COVID-19 that alarmed the general campus community, a contrast to the extremely low...

Why your inability to choose a major is your greatest strength

Dane Swanser March 6, 2021

I am a sophomore whose major changes every hour of every day. I have bounced between everything from CAMS to political science, history to art history, and biology to French (fun fact: I’ve never taken...

The difference in “vibes” of America’s political parties

Dane Swanser November 14, 2020

The office of the President of the United States finds itself facing a unique transferral of power. The chair of the President is an embodiment of our national values and determines the respect that our...

Carls react to nail-biter presidential election

Carls react to nail-biter presidential election

Dane Swanser November 7, 2020

Similarly to 2016, the fate of our presidential election will largely come down to how the Midwest performs. Unlike in 2016, absentee and mail-in ballots play a bigger role in the fate of the nation than...

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Student artist Ondine headlines first Live @ the Record Libe show of the year

Dane Swanser November 6, 2020

Ondine, better known to Carleton students as Palina Buchanan ’22, gave a raw and impassioned performance at KRLX’s first virtual Live @ the Record Libe show of the year. She played covers of songs...

From Boliou to the big screen: A conversation with Emmy Award winner Andrij Parekh ’94

Dane Swanser October 17, 2020

This September, Carleton alumnus Andrij Parekh ’94 won a primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing of a Drama Series. He won for directing Season 2, Episode 3 of the HBO show “Succession.”...

New CSA Constitutional Amendment aims to  unify senators and  students

New CSA Constitutional Amendment aims to unify senators and students

Dane Swanser February 28, 2020

The CSA Constitutional Amendment proposed by the Constitutional Review Board was ratified on February 23 by the Carleton student body with 92.5 percent of votes. This amendment will take the role of defining...

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