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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

Arb Notes: spring warbler migration in the Arb

Reed Ebbinghaus May 2, 2021

As the weather in southern Minnesota warms and insects begin to emerge, the Arb will soon become host to a stunning group of migratory visitors. These are the wood-warblers, a diverse family of exceptionally...

Arb notes: arb trail cameras capture abundant wildlife

Reed Ebbinghaus January 23, 2021

Remotely-activated game trail cameras provide the opportunity to witness animals one would rarely ever see in person. Popular among hunters, conservationists and wildlife managers, data from these...

The Christmas bird count: citizen science in Northfield

Reed Ebbinghaus January 16, 2021

This past December, while most of us were off campus, the naturalist community of Northfield convened for a decades-old tradition—the region’s Christmas Bird Count. Originating in the early 1900s...

Arb Notes: The Underwater Arb

Reed Ebbinghaus October 17, 2020

If you’ve ever walked along the Cannon River in the Lower Arb, you will certainly have seen at least one group of fishermen stationed along the beach. You might also see students fishing the portion...

Ball of Garter Snakes

Arb Notes: Snakes emerge in the Arb

Reed Ebbinghaus April 30, 2020

As the weather gets warmer in southern Minnesota, reptiles are beginning to emerge from hibernation en masse. Three species of snake—the Common Gartersnake, Dekay’s Brownsnake, and Redbelly Snake—are...

Enduring the winter: mammal life in the Arb

Reed Ebbinghaus January 31, 2020

When you glance outside your dorm at the bleakness of Minnesota winter, your intuition will lead you to consider this a land utterly devoid of life. And yet, 35 native mammal species are inhabiting the...

Invaders and silent newcomers: Non-native species in the Arb

Reed Ebbinghaus September 29, 2019

Among the top priorities of land management in the Cowling Arboretum is preventing the spread of harmful species which threaten the integrity of the Arb’s ecosystems. This is a difficult process, given...

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