<r those students who hold off on hair cuts all year, in order to donate their hair at the annual Cuts for Cancer event, two weeks ago they learned that their wait would be extended a bit this year. Due to scheduling conflicts, the event which was supposed to take place on the 15th of February has been rescheduled for the 28th of April. Lily Sasse, one of the Carls Against Cancer program directors (the ACT center program who hosts the event) said, “we wanted to make the event as successful as possible” and that “at the original date, fulfilling this goal was not logistically possible”. She continues, that “in the spring, we are confident that both the students who participate and the organizations we support will get a lot more from the event.”
Each year student flock to Great Hall to get hair cuts from local stylists. Students can choose to receive regular hair cuts and instead of paying the stylists, they make a donation towards cancer research. Another popular option at the event, is to donate 10 inches or more of hair to the Locks for Love organization, which is a national group that makes wigs for kids under the age of 18 who suffer from long term hair loss. In addition, students volunteer in various capacities to help with the production of the event. If you are interested in volunteering this year, or would like to learn more about the program or the Carls Against Caner organization fell free to contact Lily Sasse (sassel) or David Nonberg (nonbergd).