<nd that you be able to pay with a credit card at Sayles.
2. Refuse to clean up after yourself in Sayles or the dining halls.
3. Aggressively interrupt the professor of the class you sit in throughout the whole period.
4. Smoke cigarettes in class.
5. Chat with your fellow prospies on first Libe.
6. Wear a MAGA hat.
7. Overthrow Stevie P and declare yourself president of Carleton.
8. Shred all your host’s completed homework.
9. Sexile your host.
10. Purposely mislead your host into believing you are in danger.
11. Yell about how much you hate Carleton as you stroll around campus.
12. Key a random car in the rec parking lot.
13. Break the windows of the room you’re staying in.
14. Interfere with the Bald Spot construction.
15. Burn leaves in the arb.