I’iting to express concern regarding a story you ran in last week’s Carletonian article entitled “Carls active in local Democratic caucus”. First, I am appalled that no mention was given in any form to the Republican caucuses that were taking place, the very same night. Your article reports that a “handful of students” participated in the Democratic caucuses, and gives absolutely no mention to the fact that a “handful of students” were also in attendance at the Republican caucuses. Five Carls including myself made it to the local caucus and not only actively participated in the straw poll for presidential candidate, but were also rather influential in working on the Republican platform. One Carl, submitted a proposed amendment to the platform, striking the provision that stated Republicans valued traditional marriage, defined between one man and one woman. The proposal narrowly lost (by two votes) on the precinct level, but was an excellent demonstration of the shifting moods of the Republican party and how much of an influence youth is contributing to that shift. Moreover, two Carls–Andy Zweber and myself, were elected to move on the the district level to further represent our precinct in Republican Party proceedings–including the official process of electing delegates to the Republican National Convention who will eventually elect the Republican nominee. All of this meaningful, active participation was taking place and received absolutely no coverage by The Carletonian. I think it’s about time your publication started reported on and giving voice to all of the perspectives here on campus!
In response to Caucus article: Reminder of Carls involved in both parties
February 24, 2012