<r the sake of the privacy of our fellow students, The Carletonian has a long standing precedent of not reporting on alcohol related medical transports to Northfield Hospital. Though protecting the identities of our peers is important, the rule has forced this paper to sacrifice informing the public about an alarming increase in the number life-threatening alcohol related injuries.
Each recent incident combined large social events with toxic blood-alcohol levels, and unexplained abandonment by friends and fellow partiers. Thankfully, the responses of select students and staff members have helped the campus and certain families narrowly avoid tragedy. Meanwhile, the incidents are largely unnoticed by the community and the behaviors that nearly killed students continue.
The Carletonian remains committed to a libertarian alcohol policy that respects the privacy of students and fosters social communities; we believe that a residential system that allows reasonable alcohol consumption is safer and healthier than the “liquor-free” police-state-schools found elsewhere in the region. For this system to work, though, students need either a base level of responsibility, or a means of accountability.
This paper is considering revoking its precedent by thoroughly and prominently reporting on alcohol related medical transports. Though identifying details would be inevitable, the purpose of the articles would be to discourage dangerous behavior, not humiliate member of our community.
By turning away from these alarming episodes, we are failing both as a newspaper to keep the community informed, and as students to keep each other safe. If awareness of these events can help avoid future campus tragedies, The Carletonian is willing to sacrifice the personal pride of certain students.
– The editorial represents the views of The Carletonian editors.