Another Friday is here, and with it comes a feeling of relief that class is over,—but is it truly over at Carleton? Finals are coming up and comps deadlines are fast approaching. Remember to take a deep breath and do something that you enjoy to prevent burnout. Enjoy the snow outside or from the comfort of your own home. Drink hot drinks. You can probably tell I’m writing this for myself too… Keep your chin up, friend! Remember to treat others as you want to be treated. Kindness and compassion right now will go a long way. If you are tempted to say something negative or harmful about yourself or others, journal it instead. I’ve heard that your subconscious takes whatever you say about others and believes you are saying it about yourself (e.g. your subconscious hears: “omg X is so annoying and I can’t stand them” and processes that to mean you are those things). Believe me or don’t—I actually don’t know if this is backed by science, and I first heard it from a Tiktok—but it’s a nice reminder to stay aware of what you say, lol.
Allison Drennan
Aries: Pretend and play this weekend. Do something that you liked to do as a kid. Is it drawing? Having a snowball fight? Watching your favorite childhood movie? I vote Barbie: Fairytopia.
Taurus: Do something for yourself. If cleaning your room or doing laundry is too much to ask of you, start smaller. Every accomplishment deserves celebration.
Gemini: Call up an old friend or just reach out via text, email (lol) or dm. Talk about old times and ask how they are.
Cancer: Focus on your sleep. This past week was draining for you, especially emotionally, so take the time to rest and reset.
Leo: You love a good facemask and pampering sesh. If you think you don’t, trust me, you do. Pampering can look like a lot of different things. Choose at least one thing to indulge in, and you will begin to get out of the rut you have felt you’re in lately. You are fabulous.
Virgo: Anxiety has been through the roof lately. Can caffeine be decreased a little? Jitters sound funny but are NO joke (I say as I sip an iced coffee). You can get it all done. Practice some self-compassion, babes.
Libra: Have friendships felt rocky lately? Don’t worry, Libra, I think it’s the emotionality that comes with Pisces season. Don’t resist feeling all the feelings.
Scorpio: Focus on what is in front of you. Thinking too far ahead will be harmful right now and stress you out further. You have a lot on your plate, so right now, just focus on your next steps forward.
Sagittarius: Existing in the present moment can be a lot to ask at times, and even though you love thinking about what exciting experiences the future may bring, right now you are in an incredibly exciting place, so exist here. There may be a lot thrown at you, but take this as a compliment; people respect and trust you.
Capricorn: Times may be tough right now, but take this as a sign to refocus on the basic things that fuel your soul. Maybe you need more rest, maybe some new music, maybe a doctor’s visit? You can get through this period, and it will get better. Try to get outside and out of your head.
Aquarius: Life is moving really fast right now, and it’s really easy to get existential if you think about it long enough. Tip number 1: don’t listen to existential and sad music. I have fallen into this tempting trap before, and although my BFF back home loves her some Lana, my soul simply cannot take it when I’m feeling even the slightest bit sad. Make a list of things you have always wanted to do and just start. Maybe you go ice skating or watch a movie marathon. Pisces: It’s your season, Pisces. You are celebrated for your ability to comfort and put things into perspective. Get out of your comfort zone this weekend. Is this eating alone in Burton or speaking up about something that’s been on your mind? Whatever it is, be proud of yourself for taking on this challenge.