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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

Word of the week

Tina Sieben October 14, 2016

The Oxford English Dictionary sesquicentennial, noun, adj., verb, and Proper Noun pronunciation: / sex squid cent ten eel / noun             1. The reason the number...

Carleton students reflect on gravitational wave discovery

Tina Sieben February 26, 2016

It’s September 14th, 2015 and students are meandering across campus towards their first class of the year. Finding someone to sit with at the crowded dining hall for lunch will be their biggest discovery...

Why not run for CSA?

Tina Sieben February 20, 2016

If you click on the link for CSA polls, you’ll be redirected to a white background with words stamped in the corner proclaiming that “Elections are over.” Indeed, after a weekend of debates and...

Making the call, casting process revealed

Tina Sieben February 5, 2016

The audience shuffles in their seats, the set sits on stage anxiously awaiting the actors to join it, posters advertising the show are up around campus. The first Experimental Theatre Board (ETB) show...

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