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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

Cows and Contentment: A look at what’s been happening lately around Northfield

Sam Friedman May 29, 2009

Wellstone Organization Reborn? State Representative David Bly told a group of Carls on Wednesday night that he hopes to revive the late-US Senator Paul Wellstone’s Organization for a Better Rice County...

Cows and Contentment: A look at what’s been happening lately around Northfield

Sam Friedman May 22, 2009

One Hundred and Thirty Malt-O-Jobs to Relocate Malt-O-Meal plans to move fourteen percent of its Northfield workforce according to a Senior Director Dave McBeain’s Wednesday statement. The the shift...

Cows and Contentment: A look at what’s been happening lately around Northfield

Sam Friedman May 15, 2009

Insult to Injury for Lansing Former mayor Lee Lansing received a no-trespassing order for his own garden-supply store on Division Street last week. The recently foreclosed property was previously owned...

Cows and Contentment: A look at what’s been happening lately around Northfield

Sam Friedman May 8, 2009

Top Heroin Dealer Sentenced A chapter of Northfield’s recent struggles with heroin closed on Tuesday with the sentencing of Travis Roy Peterson, the largest known heroin dealer in Rice County. The 19-year-old...

Cows and Contentment: A look at what’s been happening lately around Northfield

Sam Friedman May 4, 2009

Rock and Roll Principal Northfield High School senior Mauricio Lozada had a goal of raising $6,000 in scholarship money for first-generation Latino College students. School principal Joel Leer had a receptive...

Cows and Contentment: A look at what’s been happening lately around Northfield

Sam Friedman April 24, 2009

Bluegrass barn dance party. Yes, there is a barn dancing venue in Northfield! Even with the Battle of the Bands raging at the Grand and Someone Still Loves You, Boris Yeltsin at the Cave, at least a half-dozen...

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