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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

Arb Notes: Colloquial Names

Kestrel Liu February 23, 2023

Flip through an older bird guide and you might find yourself at a loss, even if you are well-versed in birding. “A Pigeon Hawk? What is that?” You would know that it’s probably a bird of prey —...

Arb Notes: Fifty Shades of Cardinals

Arb Notes: Fifty Shades of Cardinals

Kestrel Liu January 26, 2023

It’s winter. It’s cold. It’s freezing your ears off every time you exit the building. The glaring white snow, though ethereal and enchanting, stings your eyes as you carefully tread between sheets...

Arb Notes: Mirror, mirror on the wall, which warbler ID is the hardest of all?

Arb Notes: Mirror, mirror on the wall, which warbler ID is the hardest of all?

Kestrel Liu October 13, 2022

(Mirror: Birding certainly is not my task. ‘Tis the binoculars whom you’d ask.) If there are birds that perplex novices and experts alike, the warblers are sure to be among them. The complexity...

Arb notes: quest items acquired - an owl pellet

Arb notes: quest items acquired – an owl pellet

Kestrel Liu May 5, 2022

As the wind picked up and chilly raindrops battered midterm-wearied faces, the student naturalists took shelter in a patch of conifers next to the McKnight Prairie. While idling beneath the safety of...

Arb notes: night life in the Arb

Kestrel Liu May 30, 2021

American toad. Ever taken a walk (or a nap) in the Lower Arb when the sun is down and the moon glares bright? The woods, steeped in milky mist spiked with moonlight, slumber in the absence of the scorching...

Arb notes: gardening gone askew

Kestrel Liu April 11, 2021

As the implausibly gorgeous weather jumpstarts Spring Term, many of us find ourselves savoring the warm breeze on lawns or under trees. Taking a stroll across campus, you likely would notice some...

Arb notes: consequential chirps

Kestrel Liu February 27, 2021

As the weather here in Northfield starts to take a more amicable turn, hopefully you all get a chance to spend some time outdoors and outside the hustle and bustle of Week 8. All around campus, colorful...

Arb Notes: Fall colors by the asters

Kestrel Liu September 25, 2020

Hello everyone and welcome back to Carleton (be it physically or virtually)! As the wind turns crisp and occasionally chilly, we are starting to see some bright autumn colors in the Arb, credit to members...

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