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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

CSA Denies Minimum Wage Increase Proposal

Julia Miller April 29, 2018

Last Monday, April 16, Carleton Student Association Senate (CSA) denied the Democratic Socialists of America’s (DSA) resolution, 7-11 with three abstentions, to raise Carleton’s minimum wage for student...

Mayor Rhonda Pownell

Julia Miller February 24, 2018

Candidates speak on eve of election

Julia Miller November 11, 2016

Many Get Out the Vote and educational efforts were held on campus prior to and during election day. On Monday, the day before the election, Senator Al Franken, Senator Amy Klobuchar, Governor Mark Dayton,...

Mayoral Candidates face off

Julia Miller November 4, 2016

The Northfield mayoral debate between City Councilwoman Rhonda Powell and Mayor Dana Graham, which was held Wednesday night in the Great Hall, was--to editorialize--a tense one. The candidates spoke about...

Carleton to host Northfield mayoral debate

Julia Miller October 28, 2016

This Wednesday, November 2, Carleton College will host a debate between the Northfield mayoral candidates in the Great Hall at 7 p.m. The event is open to the public. Mayoral candidates Council Member...

Exploring Carleton’s political climate

Julia Miller October 14, 2016

After more than two years of campaigning, primaries and debates, the presidential elections are now only a few weeks away, and political groups on campus are working out what they want to do for their...

Carleton adds Office of Health Promotion

Julia Miller September 30, 2016

The Office of Health Promotion (OHP), which will focus on the prevention and promotion of health and well-being, opened at the beginning of fall term. According to Janet Lewis Muth, director of health...

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