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The Carletonian

The Carletonian

The Carletonian

Otters in the Arb!

Christian Heuchert January 16, 2020

Historically, otters were present throughout Minnesota. Unfortunately, during the 1800s, demand for otters' sleek and dense fur combined with wetland drainage destroyed the population in southern Minnesota....

Fall Colors and Falling Leaves

Christian Heuchert October 11, 2019

Throughout spring and summer, the leaves of trees work as food factories. But there are deciduous trees that stop food production, experience color change, and lose leaves. Changes in these trees are...

Arb notes: trapped carp

Christian Heuchert May 4, 2019

Rs working on Arb Crew; our job was to walk along the floodplain, picking up any trash washed up from the recent flooding. While passing by the retention pond, a huge fish broke the surface of the water...

Avian snow angels

Christian Heuchert March 1, 2019

This past week, a crow in the middle of Bell Field caught my eye as it was picking around at something in the snow. Naturally, I tromped all the way over and found the exciting marks of a crime scene:...

For the bugs

Christian Heuchert October 13, 2018

Carleton Arboretum Frog and Toad Survey

Christian Heuchert May 27, 2018

Have you gone on a walk in the Arb recently? If you have, I bet you heard a few of the frog species that live in our Arb! One of the noisiest species you can hear in most wetlands is the Chorus Frog. It...

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