<ong>Wednesday, Feb. 22
4:00 pm A staff member reported seeing an individual wearing a holstered gun on campus. Appropriate precautions were taken and the person was eventually located. The holster-type item worn was not for firearms and contained nothing dangerous.
9:25 pm A fire alarm was reported at Brooks House. Burned food. No fire.
Thursday, Feb. 23
12:35 am A fire alarm was reported in Sayles Hill. Steam/smoke from a grill in the Café was the cause. No fire.
Saturday, Feb. 25
12:30 am Vandalism was reported in Burton Hall.
8:15 pm A fire alarm was reported at Collier House. Burned food. No fire.
Monday, Feb. 27
7:40 am Vandalism was reported in Sayles Hill.
7:25 pm Vandalism was reported at Boliou Hall
10:00 pm A laptop was reported stolen from the cubbies outside the Burton dining hall. Two days later, the unit was apparently found by a food service worker in the basement food storage area.