<u the truth
About a passionate kiss
I had under an umbrella in the pouring rain,
and let me tell you the fear
That rose in the heart of me:
How much does this kiss in the rain tell me about love?
Will I feel satisfied with love?
With always telling each other the truth?
Will it be that when he looks at me,
I’ll experience this, our first kiss,
Over and over again? There is fear
As I open my soul to him in the rain.
Is the symphony of thousands of drops of rain
the theme song of love?
What I can’t dismiss is the fear
That I will focus on a single drop of doubt and ignore the truth
Of the storm and the bliss of this kiss,
This theme song of love, pouring notes all around me.
If I am to compose a song of love for me and only me,
Would I rather be in sunshine than the rain?
Where honey sweet rays kiss
his sea-green eyes and illuminate with love
one great truth:
That being under the umbrella with him isn’t enough is what I fear.
But if I feel no fear,
What else should I feel as he stands here with me?
To tell you the truth
I wonder if I’ll ever be happy with the sound of the rain
And feeling in love
And most of all, a beautiful storm-soaked kiss.
It is a memorable kiss,
My knees weak with fear
Buckled under by questions of love.
After our lips parted, he stared at me
We stand still in the rain
And let it sink in: the truth.
If you want the truth, there’s more to it than just the kiss:
The rushing racket of rain, a breeze to the storm of my fear.
What it made clear to me was a kiss in the rain was a test of love.
Danny Martin • Apr 12, 2020 at 4:45 am
Beautiful! Just beautiful.