< widespread speculation, Carleton has officially decided to pilot DoorCut. DoorCut, the new initiative spreading to college campuses across the country, is a system designed to limit entry through doors that require a valid OneCard swipe.
Traditionally, Carleton students have needed to swipe their OneCard in order to gain access to the other side of certain doors. However, DoorCut works by limiting student OneCard usage to 800 swipes a term, with unused swipes rolling over to the following term.
DoorCut is purported to both bolster sustainability efforts and minimize needless trafficking. On sustainability fronts, the program will oversee less overall door usage during the winter months, and in turn less heat loss to the outside. Moreover, less door-opening activity will lead to less wear and tear on common door features such as hinges and door handles.
When interviewed early last week regarding Carleton’s transition to DoorCut,President Steven Poskanzer addressed its far-reaching benefits and aspirant goals. He remarked, “Doors – our favorite swinging barriers separating different places – are an age-old relic we value here at Carleton […] A door represents not only an entryway, but also an opportunity.”
He followed: “But there comes a point at which our students are exploiting these relics, using them as a means and not as ends. Since when is that okay?” The president added, “Entering our doorways is a privilege, not a right.”
Students have voiced concern about this new system early and often. Zach Lynn ‘14 inquired, “What happens if I use all 800 swipes? How am I supposed to go places requiring a OneCard swipe?” According to the program’s terms, a student can at any time add funds to increase allotted door swipes.
Others contend that the door quota will be intrinsically unfair to certain majors. Says Nada Batu ‘14, “As a music major, I’m involved in more activities than students of other majors. On top of my classes I also have to attend music ensembles, music lessons, and recitals throughout the week. All this entering and exiting from my dorm is going to put a big dent in my door quota.”
The President slammed the door on the notion of selectively increasing quotas for particular majors. Instead, administration is seeking to ask departments to help contribute to allocating relevant additional funds as needed.
After decades of continuously needing to replace hinges, DoorCut will ensure not only less wear and tear on the college’s self-acclaimed door network, but also less heat loss from excessive and prolonged door usage. The DoorCut pilot will reportedly be instituted Winter term. The President concluded, “It just makes sense.”
Editor’s Note: DoorCut and quotations from President Poskanzer are fictional.