<st Wednesday, Carleton students descended upon the Weitz Commons to attend the annual Majors Fair. The Fair gives first and second year students a chance to explore the academic offerings on campus.
“It was very helpful. It’s nice to touch base with the SDAs from departments you’re interested in. Plus the pre-professional advisors also provided great information,” explained undecided sophomore Zach Richmond.
Student Departmental Advisors represented their departments, and were stationed to answer the potential majors’ questions and give advice on course offerings. Some faculty advisors were also present, but for the most part the Majors Fair serves to create and foster student-to-student departmental relationships.
Undecided sophomore Ella Fox said, “It was nice to put faces to names and actually get to talk to students all in one place, which was especially nice if you’re considering multiple majors. It was also nice to get to talk to the department chairs too. The pamphlets were great-they gave you a chance to consider multiple majors in a concise way.”
Representatives from the various concentrations were also present, as were the Class Deans. Other attendees included Student pre-professional advisors and Off-Campus Study advisors. For the most part it seems the yet to be declared majors were thankful for the effort that was put into the Fair.
“It’s nice to get the chance to start considering this stuff early on. I’ve really enjoyed getting to question majors about how and why those chose their fields,” said Fox.