<esident Poskanzer has been up to quite a lot these past few weeks. In addition to maintaining his usual paperwork and keeping up with the general necessary agenda that keeps the College running smoothly, he has actively been engaging with students and traveling.
As an active and engaged member of the community, Stevie P. spent last week attending the Ebony concert as well as a student’s play. He has also been meeting with various vice presidents to ensure that everything is running smoothly. He also hosted Employee Appreciation Day, which is “an annual recognition event for faculty and staff who have worked at Carleton 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45 years and retirees…” which was well-received by the faculty and staff on campus. His secretary, Elise Eslinger reports, “incidentally, the accumulated work time of those honored at this year’s event was about 2,232 years,” a huge number and further proof of just how much time the faculty and staff put into the college in a year.
Poskanzer also hosted a dinner at Nutting House for employees and retirees who have worked at Carleton for at least 25 years. Additionally, he also sent out the strategic planning “Assumptions and Questions to be Answered” to the campus community for input, and held a student office hour.
Finally, in addition to all of the work doneon campus, Stevie P. found time to make a trip to San Francisco to attend an alumni event there. “The alumni event in San Francisco was one of a series of events in major cities around the country to give alumni and parents an opportunity to meet Steve and hear from him some updates on what is happening at Carleton,” reports Eslinger. There were about 120 guests expected at the SF event.