<bsence of a security blotter for this week, we decided that a "Best of the Blotter" was in order. Below are Security-reported events from the last 10 years. All incidents are tue and have been taken directly from past issues of The Carletonian. Enjoy!
Monday, April 29, 2002
-4:15 pm, Security responded to Cowling to help a student who had injured a toe while dancing. The toe was cleaned and bandaged with some gauze. The student did not want to go to the hospital.
Sunday May 5, 2002
-11:55 am, Security responded to Brooks house for a fire alarm. The burned food of the day was breakfast sausage. There was no damage to the house; however, the sausage was totaled.
-1:53 pm, Security responded to Cowling for a student who had been hit in the nose by a Frisbee. Security issued an ice pack to control the swelling
Friday May 3, 2002
-12:36 pm, Security took a report of a deer jumping through one of the windows of the East Dinning Hall. The deer turned around and jumped back out.
Saturday October 26, 2002
-11:30pm, an R.A. from Evans Hall reported that he saw a group of unfamiliar students emerging from Evans carrying a microwave oven. He said the group was walking toward Sayles Hill. Security located the group and confronted the suspect holding the microwave. He said he was a St. Olaf student, but had no ID on him. While escorting the suspect back to Evans, the suspect dropped the microwave and tried to escape. Security gave pursuit and quickly caught him after he had fallen. Northfield Police were summoned, and secured the suspect, who then produced his ID confirming his status as a St. Olaf student. The Evans R.A. came to the scene, and provided eye-witness details to the police, who took the suspect away and charged him with misdemeanor theft and underage consumption. The microwave was returned to its home, and was found to be in good working order.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
-2:55 am, Security discovered and disbanded an unregistered gathering in the Arboretum after following loud chanting to its source. Partygoers were informed that Northfield Police had been called and that was that – everybody ran.
-11:50, a swollen and lawless Mai Fete turned ugly
Friday January 10, 2009
-10:30 pm, a fire alarm was reported in one of the townhouses. It had been caused by a carbon monoxide detector that had been bumped by a chair. Again. No fire.
Sunday November 8, 2009
-12:15 pm, someone on 4th Musser burnt something that once resembled a food item causing the fire alarm to go into alarm.
Wednesday November 11, 2009
-7:30 pm, while on patrol Security found the Arb truck stuck in the middle of the small pond by the grounds shop. It appeared someone had tried to drive through the pond not realizing how deep the pond was. The alligator that resides in the pond was NOT injured during this incident.
In searching through these blotters, we discovered just how diverse the trouble-making capabilities of Carleton students can be.
So, here’s a challenge from us to you. Find the best non-destructive, but still hilarious, ways to spice up next week’s blotter and continue these colorful traditions.
-Claire Hartung, Katie Markle, and Emily Riggall are fourth year students. Carolyn Fox is a visiting historian from Middlebury College.