<ong>Budget Committee Recommendations
The CSA approved all of the Budget Committee recommendations: Carleton Student Bands ($25), Carleton Bowling Club ($799.92), Rugcutters Swing Dance Club/Social Dance Club ($2,800), Carleton In And Out (CIAO) ($1,500), SaGA ($2,500), Happy Bodies ($1,870), CSA ($10), Black Student Alliance ($3,253), Chase Kimball (funds to buy more lawn chairs for the Baldspot – $850), and The Cave ($400).
Café Fast Approvals
The CSA approved Café Fast for Engineers Without Borders to fundraise for their conitnuing work on a project in Peru. A request for Café Fast by Rotblatt did not pass. (See Rotblatt article on Page A3).
Making CSA more approachable to students
Senator Mouhamadou Diagne raised concerns about low retention rates amongst minority students. He cited issues with the College’s administration and faculty members as important factors to consider when tackling this problem. President Jinai Bharucha stated that it is the goal of the CSA to bridge the student body to the administration and therefore this is an important issue for the CSA to consider. Many senators expressed a desire to make the Senate more approachable to the student body and to publicize the fact that Senate can act as an advocate for students.
Town Hall Meeting Discussion
Bharucha recommended a Town Hall meeting about alcohol. Rather than school policy, the discussions would focus on personal perspectives of alcohol on campus.
Carls in the Community Update
Bharucha has begun planning the Carls in the Community event next fall. The Senate discussed whether the event should also be held this term. The discussion will continue at the Senate’s next meeting.
Coming up at the next CSA Senate meeting:
• An update from the Education and Curricular Committee senator liaison, Gabe Davis – including an update about the faculty review system
• A continuation of the conversation about ways to make Carleton and CSA more welcoming
• A brainstorming session for the Town Hall meeting on alcohol that will happen this term
The CSA Senate meets every Monday at 7 p.m. in Sayles 251.