<uld first like to thank both President Fleming and Vice-President Kenney for their leadership over the past year.
The purpose of this platform is to communicate my experience, my plans, and the reason I am running for CSA Vice-President. Serving as both a senator and member of the budget committee, I have direct experience with both bodies over which the Vice-President presides. This experience will enable me to accomplish a variety of policy objectives. Some of which include: P.E. credit for club sports, continuing the advocacy for responsible energy and financial investment by the college, and the creation of a CSA Student Bill of Rights that would provide a central location for the constitutional rights and responsibilities of the student body (i.e. the right to not only attend senate meetings, but to speak as any elected senator does).
While I have my own ideas, they are not why I am running. I am running because representing and advocating for people are core-values of mine. Values dictate action. There may be disagreements about policy and reform, but the core-value of representation ensures dialogue. Dialogue enables advocacy, an advocacy that empowers you to accomplish your goals, even when they are not the same as my own. My representation of each student on this campus does not stop when the meeting ends, and is more than merely executing the bylaws and constitution. I believe in the capacity of CSA to be a dynamic voice and instrument for empowering and enriching the lives of all students. I want to help lead a body that realizes this potential not only through the responsible allocation of CSA funds, but when necessary, serving as the bridge between the students and the administration. I would appreciate your support in this campaign and thank you for your time.
-Robert Stephens is a third-year student